Thursday, June 6, 2013

Save Pets With Wings

The Humane Society in St Thomas has a program, Pets With Wings, with American Airlines in that shelter dogs are flown with chaperons to shelters on the mainland US. This program is vital to our small island and the homeless dogs.

Apparently there has been a recent complaint by a passenger about the check in line at the St Thomas airport and that it had dogs in crate and they were given preference in the line. This horrible person complained to American's corporate headquarters and now the program may be cancelled or limited to two dogs a month?

C'mon American, get a clue, you are doing a great community thing with this program and one complaint should not have this program shut down? In reading your Facebook page alone, your airline's employees receive numerous complaints daily and your airline is still flying?  Nothing in this World is perfect, but what would be perfect is to keep the Pets With Wings program?

Please sign the petition here.

Here is the complete story in our local newspaper:

Complaint threatens flights to new homes for strays

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